Works of Strangeways appear in studio

November 22, 2017 BY

Studio@54 in Ocean Grove will be exhibiting the work of Al Strangeways, an artist and lecturer working at Charles Darwin University, located in Alice Springs.

Al’s exhibition is titled Desert Inscapes, inspired by how she feels in her daily life in Central Australia and how the land and people speak to her.

“The exhibition seems to cover both the subject matter and also the intention behind pretty much all of my creative endeavours,” Al said.

“I’m trying to ‘catch’ a moment in the subject where some kind of internal gathering of energy and elements takes place, bringing everything together and generating a sense of something that is completely itself, even if just for a moment.”

Al won’t be travelling for the Bellarine Arts Trail weekend but has worked closely with Studio @54 owners Kerrie and Ray Bedson.

“Kerrie visited Alice Springs and saw my work with me, so I trust her to be my proxy over the weekend and answer any questions visitors may have,” Al said.

“It’s a decent-sized collection and I’m excited it’s making the journey to Victoria. I hope that those who view my work are able to grasp my sense of central Australia, and if they haven’t visited my part of the world before, then I hope they can fall in love with this place through my work.”

Al’s works are in oil, created in a variety of styles, including portrait and landscape.

Studio @54 is located at 54 Grubb, Ocean Grove. For more information, visit or