May 2, 2019 BY

If they can’t protect the Earth, you can be sure they’ll avenge it.

After the devastation caused by Thanos (Josh Brolin) during Infinity War, the remaining Avengers are at an all-time low.

However, the superheroes aren’t about to throw the towel in and will work to undo the villain’s damage.

The first third of Endgame, which is chock full of doom and gloom, seemed to drag and, with the film’s three-hour-long run time, this initially had me worried.

However, once the spark of hope ignites among the heroes, the story kicks into high gear and by the end you can hardly believe how much time has passed.

There were so many surprising moments that I’d love to discuss, but I can’t without revealing spoilers.

I will say that I left the cinema feeling more satisfied than when I saw Infinity War.

The characters have changed in the space between the two movies, some in very unexpected ways.

Thanos is still as hateable as always and there were many times where I was internally screaming for the character to just die already.

Despite the aforementioned doom and gloom, there was still plenty of humour and heart spread throughout the movie. This ranges from funny lines, often provided by Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) or Rocket (Bradley Cooper), or just clear demonstration of the strong friendship between each of the Avengers.

The final battle showed the heroes giving the villains one heck of a walloping and has to be one of the best movie battles in history.

Overall though, Avengers: Endgame managed to live up to the hype and is definitely worth seeing in cinemas.