A strong budget for a sustainable community

July 14, 2023 BY

HELLO to all residents, ratepayers, and visitors in the Borough of Queenscliffe on Wadawurrung Country.

I’m pleased to share with you that at the June Ordinary Meeting of Council, we formally and unanimously adopted our 2023-24 budget.

A period of rising inflation and cost of living, escalating prices associated with doing business, and increasing cost-shifting from State and Federal Governments makes for challenging times.

Council acknowledges the challenging economic environment and has been conservative with expenditure while remembering that we are here to deliver services to support ratepayers and residents.

Our budget presents a Borough without borrowings or debt, and with healthy reserves.

This is a rarity for local government in the current economic environment and something to celebrate.

In support of the delivery of our Council Plan 2021-2025, our budget includes the following key projects.

Council has allocated $50,000 for the creation of a Golightly Development and Engagement Plan. This includes a business case for site improvements and a considered consultation, to ensure the park is generating long-term financial and social benefits for the community.

Thanks to a community-secured grant, our capital works expenditure is led by $1,000,000 of State Government funding to deliver upgrades and improvements to the Point Lonsdale Maritime and Defence Precinct development.

The Project Control Group for this work has been selected and will commence work shortly.

Connecting our community is a key priority for Council and this budget supports that with $10,000 for revising our Disability Action Plan, an additional $25,000 to support community organisations and events, and resources to finalise our Reconciliation Action Plan and continue delivering the Climate Emergency Response Plan.

Thank you to all those who contributed to the feedback process, we heard from a range of individuals and community groups and appreciate their interest in shaping this budget.

Since I last wrote, a community site meeting took place at Shortlands Bluff, a site of historical, maritime and cultural significance, to provide an update on upcoming environmental works.

This work will progress as a partnership between Council, the community and the Bellarine Catchment Network (BCN), and provide an opportunity to look at the woody weed removal works undertaken so far, understand citizen science flora survey techniques and review the revegetation timeline and plan.

I thank all those who attended and look forward to working with you to improve this site.

Coming up in the Borough:

Expressions of Interest remain open for two community member positions on our Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee.

The committee plans for potential emergencies in the Borough and works closely with a range of stakeholders including the CFA, Coast Guard and the Department of Transport and Planning.

These are voluntary positions for a two-year term. Applications close July 21: boq.news/MEMPC

Round 1 of Event Sponsorship for 2023 is now open. Applications for all events that support a healthy, creative, and connected community are welcomed and Council’s economic development team is ready to support organisations with their applications. Applications close July 31. boq.news/eventsponsorship.

Borough Coastcarers, a partnership with Council, BCN and Swan Bay Environment Association, set upon the weeds at the Narrows on the first Tuesday of every month, and the Rip View every second Tuesday of the month. All are welcome in this collective pursuit to restore native vegetation.

The Queenscliff Film Festival runs August 4-6 and tickets are available now. All screenings of the five films are hosted at Town Hall. Times and tickets are available here: boq.news/QFF

While many processes and application forms exist on the Borough’s website, never hesitate to call, or visit Town Hall if you need support or want a query answered. We’re at 50 Learmonth Street in Queenscliff, or on 03 5258 1377 between 9am-4.30pm, Monday to Friday.

For those who prefer to discuss matters in person, come along and have a chat with the Councillors at our Listening Post today, at the Queenscliff Library from 11 am. Listening Posts happen monthly at rotating locations around the Borough, and we welcome feedback on places and times that provide the best opportunity to meet with us in an informal setting. In the next column, you’ll hear from our Councillor Ross Ebbels, who holds the Local Economy portfolio.

Until next time,

Cr Isabelle Tolhurst

Mayor, Borough of Queenscliffe