Adam to take centre stage at Australian Open

Adam McCoughtry practicing his coin tossing skills ahead of the Australian Open. Photo: KLAUS NANNESTAD
DRYSDALE’S Adam McCoughtry has been given the job of flipping the coin for the Second Round Australian Open.
Adam will turn nine just a few days before he steps out on centre court and tosses the ANZ Commemorative Coin skywards to begin the match, and he could hardly have a better birthday gift.
His mother, Julie Penfold, says Adam was very excited to hear he had been selected.
“He had his (Australian Open) T-shirt on for about three days.
“He loves tennis. He loves watching it and loves playing.”
Along with his three siblings, Adam has been playing Transitions Tennis at Drysdale Tennis Club.
It was his coach, Jake Dunn, who decided Adam should be nominated for the opportunity.
The club’s Junior Competition Secretary Kerry Humphrey agreed and sent the application to Tennis Australia.
Adam will be tossing the coin on Thursday, February 23.