Alternative carols event to take place in Portarlington

December 16, 2021 BY

A brass performance that took place at the Portarlington Community Carols in a previous year. Photo: SUPPLIED

PORTARLINGTON’S festive Community Christmas Carols have been cancelled this year, but the town’s Church by the Bay has an alternative option available to residents this Sunday.

Committee member and part-time chair of the Portarlington Community Carols Julie Rock said she was disappointed the popular carols will not be going ahead this year.

Unfortunately, Ms Rock said given the effect COVID-19 has had on the event’s logistics and preparations, residents will have to wait until next year’s carols.

“We talked about the event throughout the year trying to determine whether or not we could get things happening,” she said.

“In the end, it came down to the short turnaround.

“By the time we worked out that we could actually hold the event, it was into November, and it was just too late.”

Preparations for the carols usually start taking place in February where local artists begin to be booked and booking locations are determined.

Portarlington-based church located on Waterview Close, Church by the Bay, which Ms Rock is also a member of, will be hosting a suitable lesser-sized event this Sunday at the Portarlington Pier to provide a place for carollers to gather despite the cancellation.

Portarlington’s usual Community Carols can hold between 500 to 600 people; however, Church by the Bay’s Carols is expected to be slightly smaller in stature.

Attending the newly created event will be members of Church by the Bay, a small choir and a band who will lead the carolling.

“There won’t be a stage, there won’t be local artists and the event won’t have sound gear, as we’ll be holding a separate service prior to the carols,” Ms Rock said.

“Absolutely anyone is welcome to attend the Church by the Bay Carols, we’ve got advertising on Facebook and advertising on the street.

“That’s why we have created this event, so everybody in the community has a chance to meet and sing some carols.”

The Church by the Bay event will run from 6pm to 7pm this Sunday on the grassy plain at the Portarlington Pier Park.

Looking ahead to next year, the Carols committee was recently successful in attaining a community events grant of $3,000 from the City of Greater Geelong which will be used for next year’s event.