A Maze n’ Games site to become service station

November 5, 2020 BY

An artist’s impression of the service station now being built at 1570 Bellarine Highway, Wallington.

A MAZE n’ Games in Wallington is being transformed into one of Australia’s most environmentally friendly service stations, according to its developers.

The former timber maze and mini-golf centre will be back, with its operators planning to open a new facility elsewhere.

Demolition at the site at 1570 Bellarine Highway began last week.

Melbourne-based property group Riverlee has owned the 18,000sqm site since 2002 and first submitted a planning application for the service station in 2017.

The company’s website states the development at 1570 Bellarine Highway will be the first Australian service centre to achieve a 6-Leaf EnviroDevelopment certification.

The EnviroDevelopment independently reviews development projects and awards certification to those that achieve outstanding performance in six “leafs”: ecosystems, waste, energy, materials, water and community.

The proposed service centre will focus on natural light, energy-efficient services, fresh air, water and local fauna, with strategies to replant 90 per cent of the local indigenous species of vegetation.

The A Maze n’ Games website states the business vacated the premises on October 12.

“We would like to thank all our loyal customers for the support for the last 35 years.

“We will be making an announcement of a new address for A Maze n’ Games as soon as we are able to do so.

“We look forward to welcoming you back in the new premises.”

A Maze n’ Games did not respond to requests for comment by this newspaper before deadline.