
Anglesea drivers get wiser

December 5, 2018 BY

ABOVE: Acting Sergeant Gavin Duncan speaks at the Wiser Driver course.

OLDER drivers in Anglesea refreshed their skills at a course at Anglesea Community House last month.

More than 20 people took part in the fourweek Wiser Driver program, which was jointly funded by VicRoads and the Surf Coast Shire.

Topics covered in the course include driving in 2018, safety tips for wiser driving, safety rules, car safety features, being roadworthy and planning for the future.

Wiser Driver tutor Lee Knight said the concept was started about 20 years ago, and between 60 and 80 Wiser Driver Courses were now held in Melbourne every year.

Ms Knight, who lives in Drysdale, said last week’s course was the second held in the Surf Coast Shire.

“We have total support from Victoria Police; they’ve been on board from day one down here.”

Acting Sergeant Gavin Duncan attended the last session on November 15 and answered a range of questions from participants, including about coming police activity along the Great Ocean Road and feeder roads over Christmas, speed limits, the rules marked police cars had to follow, and the right of way, especially in low visibility conditions – “If you can’t see something, you can’t be expected to give way to it,” he said.

Ms Knight said the latest class was very interactive.

“This was a fantastic group – very aware, very interested to know everything, and it’s fantastic because it’s people taking responsibility for their own driving.

“Most of us learn the road rules when we get our licence but we never look at them again.” As part of the course, participants each get a copy of the VicRoads: Road to Solo Driving handbook and the Victorian Older Drivers handbook, as well as other materials.