
Anglesea residents bind together in protest

April 10, 2019 BY

An Anglesea resident has teamed up with her neighbours to launch a petition asking for Surf Coast Shire council to defer its pet registration increase until next year.

A GROUP of Anglesea pet owners are considering launching a petition urging Surf Coast Shire council to revoke its decision to increase pet registration fees by up to 57 per cent.

The fees have been raised by $23.60 for a desexed dog or cat and $51.90 for an unsterilised dog or cat, a cost escalation which has offended some pet owners in the shire.

Anglesea resident and dog owner Deb Clutterbuck attended council’s most recent meeting on Tuesday March 26 in the hope Ransce Salan, general manager environment and development, would postpone the increase until next year.

“I ask that this fee increase be deferred until 2020 in light of the complete lack of consultation to dog cat owners about this outrageous increase, until such time as we have been consulted about if there is a need for such a large increase?” she asked Mr Salan.

But the councillor said the price hike had occurred as a result of 420 individual responses received between September 2017 and March 2018, which called for an increase in pet services.

“Council has adjusted its animal registration fees to pay for these additional services and the other services associated with animal management in the shire,” he replied.

“The proposed new animal management fees and charges were also exhibited concurrently with the 2018-19 draft budget from April 26 – May 24 2018. Following this, the increased fees were adopted as part of the 2018/19 budget therefore it cannot be deferred as its already been adopted.”

Ms Clutterbuck said she was shocked she wasn’t given an opportunity to respond to Mr Salan’s address.

The Anglesea local, who has lived in the coastal town for 36 years, said the issue wasn’t about affordability, it was about giving people who are the most affected, a say.

“I’ll be honest, we (Ms Clutterbuck and her husband) can afford to pay it, but I’m thinking about those who can’t. Some are bordering on knives edges having to pay school fees and other expenses,” she said.

“The costs really add up if you have three cats or dogs, for example.”

Ms Clutterbuck said she hopes if the petition receives enough community support, council will either readopt last year’s fees or reduce the new fees by at least $5 or $10.