Anglesea SLSC Nippers having a sweet time

January 23, 2020 BY

Anglesea SLSC Nippers enjoy an icecream.

THERE are more than 500 Nippers at Anglesea SLSC this summer, and they’re having a sweet time.

Since opening three years ago, the Great Ocean Road Chocolaterie and Ice Creamery has supported the Nipper program at Anglesea.

The hundreds of Nippers at the club this year range from 6 to 14, including Starfish Nippers.

An inclusive program that originated at the ASLSC, Starfish Nippers has been popular since its inception, providing opportunities for all children and young adults to get involved.

Chocolaterie owners Leanne and Ian Neeland have been big supporters of the ASLSC providing much-needed funds every quarter, originating from the sales of a co-branded mango and passionfruitmilk chocolate bar.

Commissioned by the chocolaterie, the bar is packaged in a illustration of Anglesea Surf Club painted by local artist Pat McKenzie. Funds from these sales are directed towards training for the
Starfish Nipper trainers.

Nippers can also receive Nipper of the Day awards from the chocolaterie, which allow them to indulge in fresh, house-made ice cream.

The club is also partnering with the chocolaterie to run special ASLSC chocolate lollipop making experiences, which enable the friendships developed on the beach to move into another area.

The club says cementing these friendships developed through Nippers is critical as it helps to retain children at the club and turn Nippers into lifesavers, who are critical to keeping the Anglesea beaches safe.