Arcare Point Lonsdale residents bloom at flower show

November 10, 2023 BY

Betty Laine placed first and equal second in Fresh Flower Arrangements at this year's show. Photo: SUPPLIED

RESIDENTS at Arcare Point Lonsdale have bloomed in this year’s revival of the St George’s Flower Show.

The annual event was popular for decades in Queenscliff but fell off the calendar in the 1970s, with this year’s show at the Old School Hall the first in more than 50 years.

The October 14 show had a wide selection of entries across various categories, and three members of Arcare Point Lonsdale’s flower arrangement group were among them.

Betty Laine, Toni Bruin, and Ronnie Arnold did exceptionally well in their respective events, with Ms Laine placing first and equal second in Fresh Flower Arrangements alongside Ms Bruin, and Ms Arnold placing second in Native Flower Arrangements.

Arcare Point Lonsdale was also named Overall Best in Show.

The flower arrangement group meets weekly at the aged care service in Point Lonsdale to decorate the residence with fresh flower arrangements.

“We are proud of the prizes our residents achieved. They did a great job,” Arcare Point Lonsdale lifestyle co-ordinator Kirsty said.

First held during World War II, St George’s Flower Show this year featured several class categories for best flowers, including arrangements, cut flowers, and vegetables, and a selection of children’s awards for those aged under 15.
