Asher pledges $1.2 million for Barwon Heads sport

May 17, 2022 BY

Liberal candidate for Corangamite Stephanie Asher and Barwon Heads FNC president Tim Goddard surrounded by one of the Seagulls' senior women's sides on Howard Harmer Oval. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

BARWON HEADS’ home of sport is set to receive a million-dollar upgrade if the Morrison Government is re-elected.

Liberal Candidate for Corangamite Stephanie Asher attended the Barwon Heads Football and Netball Club last weekend to pledge $1.2 million to the Seagulls’ facilities at Howard Harmer Reserve, set to benefit both players and the broader community.

“Better community infrastructure, particularly sporting infrastructure, is a really important part of my Local Plan for Corangamite,” Ms Asher said.

“The number of teams has more than doubled in size since the club building was constructed in 2005 – increasing from 16 to 39 teams.

“The funding will support the extension of the existing club building which is too now small to cater for the club’s needs. It will also be an important community asset.”

Ms Asher also said the upgrade provided an excellent opportunity for more female players to participate at one of the region’s fastest growing clubs.

“Upgrades like this would allow more of our female players to get the same sort of prominence as the men’s teams and really ensure the pipeline of female sport goes beyond Under 16s and continues on to senior level play, potentially even a lifelong interest or activity.”

The overall Barwon Heads FNC’s upgrade will enlarge the club’s existing changerooms, construct facilities such as medical rooms and gyms, and build upon the social room upstairs.

Barwon Heads FNC president Tim Goddard said that given the increase in participation across both the men’s and women’s programs, an upgrade to the club’s infrastructure was sorely needed.

“In our centenary year, it provides no better chance for someone to help our club,” Mr Goddard said. “The 16 teams we had originally in 2005 grew to 39 in 2019, so we need to grow our club infrastructure-wise.

“This potential $1.2 million would help the club facilities-wise so we can fit the people in and give them places to change and recreate.”

Mr Goddard said architects had put together a plan for a potential club upgrade that would cost $2.4 million, meaning the pledge from Ms Asher would account for half of the total project.



Liberal candidate for Corangamite Stephanie Asher and Barwon Heads FNC president Tim Goddard next to senior women’s players Rhiarn Wilkinson (left) and April Joseph (right).


In other recent election commitments, Ms Asher has pledged $3.25 million for better facilities at Leopold Memorial Reserve, including an upgrade of the junior sport changerooms, including toilet block facilities as well as upgrades to netball training spaces and parking, accessibility and signage improvements.

She has also pledged $1.6 million for upgrades at South Barwon Recreation Reserve, which will expand the facilities, upgrade the clubroom to include four changerooms for local sporting teams, and install a new commercial kitchen to support the work of Indians for Geelong.