Awards ceremony sets scene for positive year ahead

February 16, 2018 BY

The College Choir performs the opening prayer “Touch the Sky”.

HIGH-ACHIEVING Year 12 students from St Ignatius College attended the 2017 Academic Awards Assembly at Costa Hall on February 2.

Attended by students from Year 8 to 12, the assembly set the scene for a positive year ahead of learning and developing with drive and determination to do one’s best.

It was an empowering and significant start to the year, and students and staff were most grateful for all the words of advice and encouragement and individual experiences from a number of significant people.

During the night, Liturgy Captain for 2018 Sophie Thorley was welcomed, Father James Puppady said a blessing and students and staff enjoyed the Prayer in song by the College Choir.

College Captains for this year Kerry Kingsbury and Dean O’Brien introduced the College theme for the year -“For Our Tomorrow, We Take Action Today”, Sean Neylan from Year 11 played Chopin beautifully on the Costa Hall grand piano and students were inspired by the 2017 Sports video set to Adele’s inspiring song “When we were young” performed by the Year 12 band – Liam Power, Sam Grant, Robert Juric and Ella O’Brien.