Barrel sale to attract wine enthusiasts from all over

June 7, 2023 BY

A TRADITION dating back almost a decade will continue on June 17-18, when Scotchmans Hill hosts its annual mid-year barrel sale.

National sales and marketing manager Rob Guerrini said the barrel sale at Scotchmans Hill has been held each year since 2014, creating a lively community atmosphere that brings back a lot of familiar faces to the winery.

“It’s a really good event to stock up for winter and we generally run another one around November ahead of Christmas,” he said.

“One of the things that I have noticed since moving down to the Bellarine in 2018 is just how committed residents can be with their local winemakers, and our barrel sale is an example of that.

“I haven’t worked a barrel sale for a couple years because I’m getting a little bit older, but it’s a big day for the winery and for the community.”

Both days of the sale will begin from 10.30am and conclude at 3.00pm, but Mr Guerrini believes wine enthusiasts will begin making their down to 190 Scotchmans Road as early as 9.00am.

Prices will start at $100 per dozen bottles of stock and for the first time, individual bottles from Scotchmans Hill’s museum wines will be on offer to the public.

Empty full barrels will be sold at $150 each and will require buyers to bring their own method of transport.

“We definitely encourage people to come up to check out the rest of the winery over the two days,” Mr Guerrini added.

“Come down and grab what you want from the sale, then grab a bite and have a bit of a look around, we always love it when our consumers ask us questions about the products.”

Scotchmans Hill celebrated its 40-year anniversary last year and remains the longest operating winery on the Bellarine.