
Barwon Heads Triathlon returns for ninth year

February 24, 2024 BY

About 1,000 participants will take on the 2024 Barwon Heads Triathlon. Photos: SUPPLIED

THE annual Barwon Heads Triathlon will return for its ninth year this Sunday, February 25.

This event is a fun triathlon with a shortened course, aimed at all levels of competitors including beginners and experienced triathletes.

Organiser Lincoln Beckworth said the event hac grown every year and getting a spot in the triathlon was hotly contested.

About 1000 people have signed up to take part this year, with entries selling out in early January.

“It’s been really good to see so many people keen to keep doing the event and a lot of first timers as well,” Mr Beckworth said.

Normally the triathlon sees 300 to 400 first time competitors take part each year.

Mr Beckworth said one of the highlights of the event was seeing the beginners complete the course and seeing the smiles on their faces.

“The atmosphere of the crowd, and people supporting their family members and friends and seeing the people who maybe didn’t think they would complete it, finishing their first triathlon.”

Competitors will finish off the race with a 4km run.


The swim leg takes place in the Barwon River off Ozone Jetty, where participants will go with the tide in the 400m stretch.

Competitors will then complete a 14km bike ride on a flat course along 13th Beach Road, before moving into the 4km run towards Ocean Grove along the trail path.

The event will finish in the carpark opposite the Barwon Heads Hotel.

Mr Beckworth said the event would not happen without the support of the local community.

There will be multiple viewing points for supporters to cheer competitors on, including from the sand along the Barwon River and off the Barwon Heads Bridge.

The team at 13th Beach Health Services will be on hand after the race, offering complimentary messages for competitors’ tired legs.

The triathlon’s first wave will be at 8.20am.

For more information, including road closures for the event, head to barwonheadstri.com.au