
Beach Hotel wins big

May 24, 2024 BY

The Beach Hotel owner Jamie Collins was excited to take home an award at this year's Australian Hotel Association Victoria Awards.

JAN Juc’s The Beach Hotel has taken out the best Regional Pub Bar at the 2024 Australian Hotel Association Victoria State Awards for Excellence.

The award judges the hotel’s presentation, beer, food and overall pub experience.

The Beach Hotel owner Jamie Collins said the pub was a bit surprised to take home first place in the category at the awards, presented on Monday this week.

“We were pretty excited actually because we’ve been there before and we thought we were half a chance on different awards, it’s very special,” he said.

The sports bar has been newly refurbished, complete with a sunken pool table, new carpet and an extra 30 bar seats, something Mr Collins said contributed to the award win.

Mr Collins said the pub was still a family hotel, complete with a children’s play area.

“Anyone can come in here, we’re a bit old school how we do things.

“It’s such a good vibe at the Jan Juc pub, it’s very unique and our customers keep coming back and I’m very proud of the support we get from our loyal customers.”

The hotel has a busy line up with weekly specials and sports on the big screen.

The old-school pub has a busy weekly line up of specials. Photos: SUPPLIED

Starting the week off on a Monday night with steak night, where a porterhouse steak, chips and salad are on the menu.

Wednesday night is Parma night, popular with patrons – with 12 different options to choose from, there’s something for everyone.

Old-school happy hour kicks off on Friday nights from 5pm with raffles drawn at 7pm.

The Beach Hotel is open for lunch and dinner seven days a week.

For more information, head to beachhoteljanjuc.com