Bellarine Railway back on track

August 21, 2021 BY

Bellarine Railway president Steve Dalton in front of one of the trains. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

VISITORS flocked to one of the Bellarine’s biggest hotspots over the weekend as COVID-19 restrictions were loosened last week in regional Victoria.

The Bellarine Railway has reopened for business along with many other businesses throughout the region, following the latest statewide lockdown.

President of the Bellarine Railway, Steve Dalton, is extremely grateful to be opening again, despite having to postpone the day an extra week.

“It’s absolutely awesome to be able to reopen,” Mr Dalton said.

“We have been opening and closing on regular occurrences with the ongoing restrictions that constantly keep changing.

“That’s no-one’s fault by the way, it is what it is. But, now we are in a position to get things slightly back to normal.”

Carriages on the railway’s trains are only able to hold a maximum of 10 people under the current restrictions, which made the trains unable to run as of a couple of weeks ago.

However, the railway can now resume its operations after finding a solution to this issue, allowing each train to hold between 70 to 80 passengers.

Ryley Higgins is one of the younger volunteers helping operations run in Queenscliff, but he is happy that things are returning slightly back to normal for the moment.

“It’s definitely good to be back, we’ve got a bright future here at the railway with our grants, especially with all the work that we have put in,” Mr Higgins said.

“It’s nice to see people again even at a reduced capacity.”

The railway is completely run by volunteers and the last eight months have been particularly difficult and stressful according to the president, given the stop-start nature of this year’s lockdowns.

“It has been hard on everybody and especially on our commercial partnerships,” Mr Dalton said.

“Drivers on the Q Train and the Blues Train are in a difficult predicament, as they have found it hard to operate when we have been closed.”

Mr Dalton is looking forward to seeing the community on the tracks moving forward, but his biggest thanks go to those who keep the railway running.

“I can’t thank the volunteers enough,” he said.

“The amount of dedication and work they put in to keep the railway going is really good to see.

“It’s their first priority, which is really touching. I am trying to do right by them and by the customers.”

Head to the Bellarine Railway’s website to book your trip today.