Bellarine recipients share in latest Port Phillip Bay Fund round

August 18, 2024 BY
Bellarine Port Phillip Bay Fund

The Swan Bay Saltmarsh Restoration Project has received a $179,000 boost from the latest round of the Port Phillip Bay Fund. Photo: SUPPLIED

BELLARINE MP Alison Marchant has announced the local recipients of this year’s Port Phillip Bay Fund, giving community groups a funding boost to protect and maintain the bay’s marine and coastal environment.

Grants of up to $300,000 and as small as $25,000 were available for large-scale and smaller-scale projects respectively.

The Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CMA) will receive $179,818 in funding, the largest amount for local organisations, for their Swan Bay Saltmarsh Restoration Project to restore the intertidal saltmarsh surrounding Swan Bay in partnership with Bellarine Landcare Group and private landowners.

Bellarine Bayside Foreshore Committee of Management will use $143,476 for their North Bellarine Coast Cultural Conservation and Restoration Project.

Bellarine North Rotary Club were successful in getting $2,000 for their Foreshore Revegetation Project, while the Borough of Queenscliffe was successful in receiving $25,000 for their Community Education and Protection of Coastal Moonah Woodlands Project.

“Victoria is fortunate to have so many dedicated volunteers, environmental, community and not-for-profit groups and organisations that are working hard to preserve our marine and coastal environments,” Ms Marchant said.

Since 2016, the Port Phillip Bay Fund has provided more than $13.9 million in grants across 187 projects which includes reef restoration, marine life monitoring, water quality improvements and litter control.

Corinne Mays from the Corangamite CMA said funding to preserve Swan Bay was necessary to preserving a key attraction to the region.

“Conserving the saltmarshes of Swan Bay is important to maintaining shorelines, protecting communities, keeping marine ecosystems healthy, and helping coastal economies thrive.

“We are thrilled to be able to work with landowners and communities around Swan Bay to deliver positive environmental, social and economic benefits for the bay.”

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