Best beef on show
Show president and beef carcase superintendent Sheree Seiffert said that the quality of the beef presented to the competition was some of the best she had seen so far.
The heavy weight class had the largest amount of entries in a number of years.
The judges had a tough decision with splitting the top five head of animals.
“Farmers in our region produce some of the best beef in the world,” Mrs Seiffert said.
“We are clean and green with most cattle grazed predominately on pasture with some supplementing, and this shows through in quality of the end product.
“With beef on the up and up over the last few years, farmers are finally being rewarded at the end point for their efforts after 10 years of stagnant prices.”
Light Yearling on hoof class:
1st Barry Lugg
2nd Shayne Kelly
3rd G & H Perkins
Medium Yearling on hoof:
1st Don Nash
2nd Jess Parker
3rd P & K Briscoe
Highly Commended Don Nash
Heavy Yearling on hoof:
1st Don Nash
2nd Elsham Infrastructure
3rd Trevor Nash
Highly Commended Sharyn Beel
Highly Commended Ryan Cooke
Grand Champion on hoof:
Don Nash
Reserve Champion on hoof:
Elsham Infrastructure
Light Yearling on hook:
1st Barry Lugg
2nd Ray Goodman
3rd G & H Perkins
Medium Yearling on hook:
1st Don Nash
2nd Don Nash
3rd P & K Briscoe
Heavy Yearling on hook:
1st Celine Mason
2nd P & K Briscoe
3rd Ryan Cooke
Grand Champion on Hook:
Don Nash
Reserve Champion on Hook:
Barry Lugg
Special Awards:
Fred Herd AM Memorial Trophy awarded to P & K Briscoe
Highest Point Scorer 80 points and over awarded to Don Nash
Ord Whitcroft memorial for most improved awarded to Celine Mason
Ernie Buxton Memorial Trophy for highest retail yield awarded to Sergio & Gail Beani
Highest Marbled Exhibit awarded to Don Nash
Highest points scored by a purebred exhibit awarded to Tippetts Glengyron with a Shorthorn Steer