Tradies pitch in as The Block visits Torquay

September 26, 2019 BY

Ben Jovanoski from True Electrical & Data Services and his father Sas Jovanoski of Tempo Painting. Photo: HIPAGES

September 17’s episode of The Block saw tradespeople help refurbish an important Torquay building.

The episode of Nine’s reality TV series saw contestants, with the help of the tradespeople, upgrade the Trevor Barker House.

The house belongs to not-for-profit Challenge Charity, which supports families who are living with cancer or who have been diagnosed with blood disorders. It has been as a getaway place where families who are part of the charity can have a holiday and spend some time with their loved ones.

During the episode, each of the couple’s competing in this season were given a working zone at the Trevor Barker House.

Ben Jovanoski from True Electrical & Data Services worked on all the electrics for the alfresco area to help contestants Tess and Luke not only improve the house, but win the challenge.

Mr Jovanoski said he first became interested in lending his services when he saw hipages, who he markets his business through, were looking for tradespeople to volunteer for charity Challenge on the show.

“I read up about the charity Challenge and how they support families dealing with cancer, and wanted to get involved as I’ve had a few members in my family affected by cancer.

“I thought it was a great opportunity to donate a day of my time and really make a difference in the lives of the families who visit Trevor Barker House.”

Mr Jovanoski also got his father Sas and his painting business Tempo Painting to help out.

The contestants brief was to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for the families who visit while retaining a contemporary coastal feel.

The house was in dire need of renovations, and the show provided a chance for entertainment to combine with contributing to a good cause.

Mr Jovanoski said it was a great experience.

“The vibe was very fun and positive, though we were under the pump a bit at the end of the day to get the job finished.

“It was really great to be a part of this opportunity to come together and help out a great cause.”

In addition to True Electrical & Data Services, there were several other hipages trade businesses that volunteered their time and efforts. These businesses were: Team Jackson, Earthtech Electrical, Thurlain Plumbing, Mcbride Built, Fernee Air and Electrical, and The Baldy Handyman.