
Book showcases surfing and mental health to help raise awareness

December 5, 2018 BY

Ian Duckworth, who is pictured with Stacey Moore from bookgrove, holds his latest book Barwon-Grove – The River The Sea It’s In Our Soul.

LOCAL Ian Duckworth has published a book about the history of surfing on the Bellarine and Surf Coast, which also aims to shine a light on depression and suicide.

Barwon-Grove – The River The Sea It’s In Our Soul is Ian’s fourth book in support of beyondblue, following on from Ocean Grove Surfing in the 60s, Poems of the Point and his last book The Rip.

“Hopefully it’s a way of bringing the spotlight onto youth suicide,” Ian said.

“The current statistics of suicide in Victoria in 2017 was 3,128, the road toll for the same period was 198 people.

“The devastation and destruction that is left behind after suicide is incomprehensible and to talk to a parent who has lost a family member is soul destroying.

“In the back of the book there is a brutal testimony from a lady who lost her son David to suicide.

“But the book is also a scrapbook of everything Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads.”

Ian said he too had been living with depression, and was still around today to tell his story due to the support of his family and friends.

“Eighteen years ago when I had a failed back operation, it was the start of my depression, although I had some depression for a long time prior to my operation,” he said.

“But when I couldn’t do what I wanted to do, and that was surfing, I just couldn’t deal with anything.

“Another thing that brought me down was the amount of medication I’m on, unfortunately I can’t live without it and it messes with your head.”

Ian said he couldn’t emphasise enough how important it was to slow down and give people the benefit of the doubt.

“If someone walks by you and they are looking into space, don’t judge them,” he said.

“If someone is acting strange it’s maybe because the medication they are on.

“Depression is complicated, it’s deep and widespread.

“What gives me the right to pass comment on all these issues it is that I’ve experienced this for 18 years.

“Why am I still here?

“Well I have a loving wife, daughter and mother.

“I have a group of friends that after 18 years still support me and put up with my meltdowns.

“I’m lucky to live in a community that does understand and takes the time to give me and others like me space.”

Barwon-Grove – The River The Sea It’s In Our Soul can be purchased from bookgrove in Ocean Grove, where there is also a limited edition of Ocean Grove Surfing the 60s books.

Barwon-Grove – The River The Sea It’s In Our Soul costs $30, while Ocean Grove Surfing the 60s costs $20.

Profits from all the books goes to beyondblue.