Books help build on roof repairs

January 2, 2018 BY

ST James Church will hold its annual Secondhand Book Sale early next month to help fund repairs to its building.

The sale has been vital during the past years in helping fund the refurbishment of the church hall and now repairs to the church roof.

Old and new books, fiction and non-fiction, and old books and early editions will be for sale, along with hard covers, paperbacks and large print books (but not school or university textbooks and no encyclopedias).

There will also be up-to-date special interest magazines such as hobbies, collecting, home, fashion, cookery and gardening, comics and even old sheet music in good condition.

If you have never attended one of these book sales, you might be impressed by the scale of the operation.

Books are individually priced inside the front cover and laid out in categories.

There is also a special children’s section with low seating so they can browse safely while the adults search their own areas of interest.

The event is well worth a visit and EFTPOS is available for payments of $20 and above.

St James Secondhand Book Sale is held next door in the Drysdale Community Activity Centre, Collins Street, on January 6 between 9am and 5pm, and January 7 between 10am and 3pm. Entry is free.

For more information phone 5251 2571 or head to