Borough celebrates Christmas early at street party

December 17, 2021 BY

Santa Claus and Queenscliffe mayor Ross Ebbels standing with the estimated 2,000 people that attended the event. Photos: SUPPLIED

CHRISTMAS spirit is officially in the Borough of Queenscliffe’s air with thousands of visitors and residents flocking to Point Lonsdale Road for a street party.

The borough estimates 2,000 people attended the event which was filled with activities including live music, Christmas shopping with local traders, and a visit from Santa Claus himself.

Headlining the event was the lighting of the Point Lonsdale Christmas Tree, an annual favourite amongst the borough’s residents.

According to Queenscliffe mayor Ross Ebbels, the council’s plan to hold this year’s Christmas program is to benefit the community on two fronts.

The first being to celebrate the Christmas season and second, to support local traders and stimulate the borough’s economy.

“Thank you to the traders, musicians, local families and our special guest Santa Claus for making Saturday’s event so special,” Cr Ebbels said.

“After such a difficult year, shopping at small, local businesses is more important than ever.

“Buying your presents locally this Christmas is like buying two gifts – one for the recipient, and one for the small business owner you’re supporting.”

Several traders reported that they not only enjoyed the event, but the support garnered from the community made for an exciting afternoon and night.

Local trader Mark Rogerson, operator of Pasquini’s Deli & Cafe in Point Lonsdale, said the street “really came alive” for the event.

“We really appreciated so many families coming out to celebrate the start of the Christmas season with us,” Mr Robertson said.

The borough’s Christmas Program includes council’s largest investment of new decorations in several years, with trees, wreaths, bows and flags being installed throughout the region.

Upcoming Christmas events from council, community groups and private businesses can also be viewed at