Borough launches Coastcare group

December 10, 2020 BY

Volunteers receive a briefing before starting work. Groups will meet monthly to conduct weeding and other environmental protection activities in the borough.

THE Borough of Queenscliffe is helping green-thumbed locals protect the local environment with the launch of a new volunteer conservation group.

Headed by the Bellarine Catchment Network (BCN), the ‘Borough Coastcarers’ group will restore native habitat by removing invasive weeds across Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale.

Monthly two-hour sessions will be held in both towns, with volunteers to be guided by conservation field staff on how they can best help.

Queenscliffe Mayor Cr Ross Ebbels was on hand for the opening session on Thursday last week, and said the group was just one way the borough was investing in more weeding activities.

“We know many of our residents care deeply about protecting our natural environment, and the Borough Coastcarers is a great way to make a real difference.”

Borough mayor Ross Ebbels helps out with some weeding.

BCN program manager Matt Crawley said the concept, which is being launched in partnership with the Swan Bay Environment Association and Coastcare Victoria as well as the council, is also a fun and safe way to get to know new people around the area.

“It’s a great way to meet like-minded people but also to become really familiar with your own town’s environment, and all the wonderful indigenous plant species it contains,” Mr Crawley said.

“We’re taking every precaution with OH&S and COVID-19 regulations, so I’d encourage anyone who’s interested in the project to come and give it a try.”

The council-sponsored program is part of the Borough of Queenscliffe’s push to increase weeding activity following resident feedback.

The council’s 2019 budget survey found many residents wanted the borough to invest more in weed management, and the borough has since invested an extra $67,000 in weeding activities this year in response to this feedback.

Borough Coastcarers activities run from 10am to noon on the first Tuesday of each month in Queenscliff, and the second Wednesday of each month in Point Lonsdale.

To sign up or find out more information, email [email protected].