Bree’s all fired up about winning an electric heater

Bree Jackson (left) checks out one of the electra flame heaters with Kleo Lunnon-Talbot from Harvey Norman Electrical. Photo: JAMES TAYLOR
BELMONT resident Bree Jackson has one less thing to worry about while renovating her house after winning the Times News Group’s “Stay Warm This Winter” competition with Harvey Norman
Waurn Ponds.
Ms Jackson won an electra flame mantel heater or panel heating package to the value of $2,000 after entering the competition through Facebook, and visited the store in Waurn Ponds last week to check out the range.
“I’m absolutely stoked,” she said. “We’re renovating now, so it’s so lucky.
“I got such a nice surprise the other day (when she found out she had won). It’s funny; you tag yourself in those sort of things, but you never expect to win them.
“We’ve got a mantel where our heater is at the moment, so we’re thinking we might pull that out and pop the new one in. We have a Rinnai and it’s been awesome, it’s been there for about 10 years, but it’s time to upgrade.
“These ones look so nice, it’ll be so cosy having that there.”
Harvey Norman Waurn Ponds store manager Simon Day said mantel heaters started from $1,799, while a panel heating package with wi-fi hub and module could heat up to four rooms for only $2,000.
“Harvey Norman stocks a variety of heating options in leading brands, including Scandinavian quality Nobo panel heaters, Rinnai and Noirot, as well as eye-catching electric fire heaters, which are the perfect way to create an ambient warmth in your home. Electric fire heaters come in a range of styles to suit any décor.”
He said interest in the heaters at Harvey Norman Waurn Ponds had risen sharply with the change of seasons and corresponding drop in temperature, especially at night.
“It’s been such a cold start to winter.
“Lots of people are working from home now, instead of going into a nice, heated office, so that might have something to do with it, too.”