
Business awards opens new doors for applicants

June 8, 2023 BY

AN EXPANDED local business network, new customers and a healthy dose of self-confidence are among the benefits of applying for the Geelong Business Excellence Awards, according to a former winner.

Lee-Anne Campigli was the winner of last year’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year category (sponsored by Deakin University) in the yearly event delivered by the Geelong Chamber of Commerce.

Her business You’re Gorgeous Hair & Beauty is a previous winner of business categories.

This year’s GBEAs are open for applications, with hundreds of local businesses and business people expected to put themselves forward for the judging process to determine winners.

Ms Campigli said her involvement in the process in recent years had a range of benefits for her personal and professional development.

“I found it really rewarding just giving yourself a bit of a challenge, putting yourself out there, put yourself out there and get the business’s name out there.

“It’s excellent for your profile. It’s excellent for networking and just to review your business in general; the health of your business so that you’ve got a little bit more information on where you can improve, where you are doing really well and with the past few years with what we’ve been through this pandemic, where we can change things.”

Ms Campigli said her involvement in the awards process had opened new opportunities for business, including through exposure to larger audiences through marketing channels and networking opportunities to expand its customer base.

“It’s been really beneficial for us financially, but just being in the awards and just putting us in the spotlight and attracts more people to the business.

“There’s also networking with others in the business community – I find it really supportive in a lot of ways.

“We get people coming in now that are being part of the Geelong Chamber of Commerce or part of the awards that may want to come in and get their hair done.”

The Young Entrepreneur of the Year winner said submitting an application for the GBEAs was a rewarding experience regardless of the end result, and encouraged other businesses to throw their hats in the ring.

“Obviously it’s a bit nerve-wracking, it’s a bit confronting to put yourself in a spot like like that. However, I think it’s really great for your confidence to be able to just be acknowledge yourself.

“I just really enjoy doing it just for those reasons alone.

“It doesn’t matter about necessarily winning something, it’s about what you’re gaining out of it in yourself and where you can improve the health of your business.”

Entries for this year’s Geelong Business Excellence Awards are now open, and close on July 14.

For more information and to enter, head to gbea.com.au.