City holds chemical clean up

March 12, 2020 BY

Industrial chemists separating chemicals.

THE City of Greater Geelong Council and Sustainability Victoria held a Detox Your Home drop off day last week at the Lovely Banks depot, enabling people to safely recycle their unwanted toxic chemicals.

Residents eagerly responded, with more than seven tonnes of household, garden and pool chemicals dropped off at the depot.

Industrial chemists were present to assess and separate hazardous waste.

After being assessed, the chemicals were sealed in drums and sent to a specialist waste treatment facility.

While some chemicals will be stored in secured landfills, they generally have a very high recyclable rate.

The council’s waste management portfolio chair Cr Ron Nelson said the service was part of a broader council strategy to make recycling more accessible to people.

“We are always looking for ways to help make it easier and more convenient for Greater Geelong residents to reduce, reuse and recycle.”

The event also served to educate people on the environmental effects of the incorrect chemical disposal.

A survey of the participants this year revealed more than two-thirds would be more likely to purchase non-toxic alternatives if such products were made available.

A list of permanent drop off sites for hazardous waste can be found at

For more information on disposing hazardous waste including batteries, paint, asbestos, flares and fluorescent tubes, head to