City updates fire plan ahead of summer

November 7, 2019 BY

The plan outlines the council's response strategies, the risk of fire in different areas and the recovery phases in the event of a major fire. Photo: BENJAMIN LIZARDO

THE City of Greater Geelong has updated its Municipal Fire Management Plan (MFMP) ahead of the coming fire season.

The plan looks to limit the effect of different types of fires should they occur, but also seeks to take preemptive measures to stop them starting.

It outlines various response strategies, the risk of fire in different areas and the recovery phases in the event of a major fire.

Deputy chair of the council’s environment and sustainability portfolio Cr Jim Mason said there was a lot to be considered with such planning.

“Victoria is experiencing an increase in the number and size of bushfires.

“When it comes to the threat of fire, our municipality has the complexity of a city and several large townships surrounded by rural land.

“However, the rigorous analysis and broad-based consultation involved in preparing this high-quality document are key to reducing the risk of fire and will lead to better responses from the city, agencies and the community.”

The MFMP was endorsed by the Municipal Fire Management Planning Committee and Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee.

City of Greater Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said she appreciated the help of these groups.

“The expert feedback we’ve received is that this plan is comprehensive and well thought-out.”