Clean up Edwards Point Beach

February 27, 2024 BY

Friends of Edwards Point are clearing the reserve of rubbish with a clean-up day next month. Photo: JUDY SAULT

ST LEONARDS volunteer group Friends of Edwards Point are holding a clean-up day next month.

The group is cleaning up the Edwards Point Beach, removing rubbish that has been blown, washed, and dropped in parts of the reserve.

Formed in 1997, the group and works to protect and preserve the indigenous species of flora and fauna along Edwards Point.

The volunteer group also take care of the reserve by doing regular weeding in the area. Photo: JUDY SAULT.

Committee member Judy Sault said there was presently lots of rubbish down towards the end of the beach, which was home to many protected birds.

“We want to enhance the natural values of the beach habitat for the benefits of its flora and fauna and the wider Port Philip environment.

“Plastic stuff from the bay, fisherman’s line, cigarette butts, and all that sort of stuff is really hazardous for the marine life, and also the bird life.”

Edwards Point protects the last remaining stand of coastal woodland on the Bellarine Peninsula, and several rare bird species have been recorded there.

Many bird species have been recorded at the reserve including the Yellow Spoonbill. Photo: JUDY SAULT

Ms Sault said that rubbish in the reserve had always been an issue.

“We just don’t want it to get worse, we also want the new people who are moving to the area to have respect for it and look after it.”

The St Leonards group hold regular working bees, focussed on clearing weeds, bush regeneration and planting where necessary. The group have also been successful in winning multiple grants.

Everybody is welcome to participate in cleaning up the beach, which will take place on March 24 from 9.30-11.30am and will meet at the bottom of Beach Road.

For more information, head to the group’s Facebook page or email [email protected]