
Clifton Springs boardwalk project needs votes

September 12, 2018 BY

An example of where The Springs Dell Boardwalk would be constructed.

A GROUP of Bellarine residents want to see a boardwalk constructed at Clifton Springs beach.

The Drysdale Clifton Springs Curlewis Association has been working with the City of Greater Geelong on the proposal, which is now at the voting stage of the state government’s Pick My
Project initiative.

DCSCA says the construction of a boardwalk would provide safe walking access around a difficult coastal pinch point at Clifton Springs.

“The site is the location of the heritage mineral springs area, which is experiencing coastal erosion and deterioration through walkers climbing over the site,” the group said.

“The boardwalk will also provide opportunities for interpretive signage that will inform visitors of the areas significant cultural heritage.”

Clifton Springs resident Neil McGuinness said it was most distressing to him that the historic mineral springs that gave Clifton Springs its name were continually being eroded into the bay.

“But we can now do something about it – I encourage everyone to go to the Pick my Project website and vote for the ‘The Springs Dell Boardwalk’,” he said.

“This will not only protect the historic site but will also provide the community with a muchneeded safe continuous foreshore walk from The Dell to Edgewater.”

DCSCA says the provision of a continuous “Foreshore Walk” would encourage people to visit the Clifton Springs beach and engage in activities promoting health and well-being.

“The Dell at Clifton Springs has a significant history as a former operational mineral springs site.

“The Dell provides a natural amphitheatre with access to a safe swimming and water based recreational activities.

“The boardwalk will enable people to further explore the coast around the Dell safely and mitigate against coastal erosion at the site.

“An underwater sculptural park is in the final planning stages, the proposed boardwalk will also further enhance the underwater sculptural park by providing a potential step off point for people exploring this unique coastal attraction.”

To vote for the project, head to pickmyproject.vic.gov.au/rounds/pick-my-project/ideas.