
Coast manager rectifies seat removal error

February 15, 2023 BY

Barwon Coast has reinstalled a memorial seat at Barwin Heads Bluff after it was removed during repair of a nearby landslip.

BARWON Coast Committee of Management has reinstalled a memorial seat at Barwon Heads Bluff that it mistakenly moved during repairs of a landslip in the area.

A memorial for the late Louise Sellwood was removed in recent weeks following assessments from the coastal land manager that led to removal of infrastructure from the site due to public safety concerns.

The seat was reinstated within hours of a community petition launching on Tuesday last week calling for its return, which attracted support from hundreds of supporters.

In a statement that day, Barwon Coast CEO Gary McPike apologised for the error and said the seat had been returned to its original spot.

“Barwon Coast deeply regrets any distress it may have caused by the removal of the memorial seat at the Barwon Bluff viewing area.

“There had been a landslip at the site earlier last year, requiring the removal of all infrastructure, including picnic tables and seating. A geo-technical assessment was subsequently completed, the safety fencing realigned, with updated infrastructure now being reinstalled.

“It was never Barwon Coast’s intention to remove the seating without consultation; unfortunately, our records from 20-plus years ago provided no contact details.”

Barwon Coast indicated that an administrative error had led to the seat’s removal, due to changes in policies that no longer permit similar shrines being installed on public land.

Louise Sellwood was a local woman who died suddenly aged 18 in 1997 from Meningococcal virus.

Her ashes were laid at the Bluff with the memorial seat acting as her headstone in a tribute replicated by dozens more families in ensuing years.

Sherryn Bennett, a friend of Louise’s, last week started the petition that attracted 1,415 signatures online urging a rethink of the decision.

“For 25 years Louise’s chair has been a cherished spot for family and many friends to visit, reflect and keep her memory alive, the petitions stated.

“However, Barwon Coast recently removed the chair while doing path works at the Barwon Heads Bluff.

“A council policy that doesn’t acknowledge the humans dearly remembered by these chairs and the heartbroken families and friends left behind. Louise doesn’t have a grave site or headstone, her chair was her special spot, without this what do her family and friends have left?”