Community gets first look at new Barwon Heads Arts Hub

September 7, 2022 BY

The event exhibited works from over 20 different local artists. Photos: SUPPLIED

HUNDREDS of Bellarine residents and art enthusiasts have attended the Barwon Heads and Community Arts Hub Open Day following the building’s opening in mid-June.

The Sunday open day, hosted by the Barwon Heads Arts Council (BHAC), showcased 15 community groups and featured the works of over 20 local artists as part of the Hub’s first ever exhibition.

Local artist Sophia Legoe teaching some art techniques within the Maker’s Shed.

BHAC secretary Libby Wilson said about 300 people attended the Hub.

“It was a terrific day overall and we were so glad to see so many people taking an interest in what we’re doing at the new Hub,” Ms Wilson said.

The event was coordinated between the Barwon Heads Arts Council and its neighbouring Senior Citizens Club.

“The BHAC is a not-for-profit group that manages the centre and we saw it as a perfect time to conduct our first ever arts exhibition.

“Our original committee members have been working away at this for over 10 years, so for them to see this project finally coming to fruition is fantastic for everyone involved.”

Around 300 residents came to check out the new Hub on Sunday.

Sunday’s rundown at the open day involved the Art Exhibition in the main Gallery running for most of the event.

Available artists also led activities in the Makers Shed for interested young artists of all ages.

Attendants were treated to a performance by Barwon Heads Chorale, a Lions BBQ and a Seniors afternoon tea.

Local quilters also exhibited some of their works on display.

The Barwon Heads Chorale gave an excellent performance on Sunday.

The BHAC committee now sets its sights on its biggest event of the year with the Bellarine Arts Trail fast approaching.

The trail is on October 29-30 with a new exhibition to fill out the Barwon Heads Arts and Community Hub and across the Bellarine.

Young artists taking part in the Maker’s Shed art Sunday’s Open Day.

Works will be on display at 40 different venues across four towns: Barwon Heads, Ocean Grove, Point Lonsdale, and Queenscliff. The event was postponed last year due to COVID-19.

Further information about the Barwon Heads Arts Council and the new Hub can be found at