Survey asks for people’s input on community hospitals

September 26, 2019 BY

THE Department of Health and Human Services is encouraging people to share their views on the Torquay Community Hospital through an online survey.

The Community Hospitals program will see 10 community hospitals constructed in major growth areas, with Torquay being one of these areas.

South Barwon MP Darren Cheeseman says that by taking the survey community members are helping guarantee the hospital is tailored to their needs.

“The survey is an opportunity to shape local community hospital services so that people and families in our area can get the care they need, when and where they need it.”

The state government has committed $675 million to the construction of these community hospitals.

They will be small walk-in hospitals built in major growth areas.

The hospitals will enable people to receive treatment closer to their local area, but they will not have overnight beds, meaning there will still occasionally be a need for patients to go into the city for care.

The survey is open for people to take until October 11 at 4pm.

It can be taken at