Conversations That Matter

May 3, 2024 BY

Stan Grant will share his insights at this year's Conversations That Matter event.

Returning for the third year, The Give Where You Live Foundation will host its Conversations that Matter event on June 7.

Presented on Wadawurrung Country by Community Care Chemist, this year Stan Grant will share his insights and dedication to finding new ways for people to meet each other beyond their differences.

Give Where You Live Foundation Chief Executive Bill Mithen said they are looking forward to providing a platform for the community to hear from Mr Grant.

“At this year’s event we want to focus on how communities and societies can have respectful, informed and meaningful conversations.

“As a celebrated journalist, author, moral philosopher, thinker, and communicator, Stan Grant has consistently demonstrated how to navigate and engage in challenging conversations with respect and integrity.

“I’m very excited to listen and learn from Stan when he comes to Geelong and encourage the community to join the foundation and share in this important conversation.”

Grace Tame spoke at the inaugural event in 2022 followed my Nova Peris in 2023.

“The Give Where You Live Foundation launched Conversations That Matter in 2022 to encourage conversations on issues that matter to our community, to raise issues that can be difficult to talk about and create positive change,” Mr Mithen said.

The Give Where You Live Foundation aims to build a fairer community, with a focus on food security, homelessness assistance and inclusive employment.

The event will be held in the Presidents Room at GMHBA Stadium from 12 until 2:30 pm.

For tickets and more information, visit