
Council plan to preserve Bellarine cultural values

July 21, 2022 BY

Geelong council is finalising a long-term management plan for the Bellarine coast between Ocean Grove and Point Lonsdale. Photo: CITY OF GREATER GEELONG

THE FIRST half of a long-term plan to protect an important stretch of Bellarine coastline is open for its final round of community input.

The City of Greater Geelong has released a draft Southeast Bellarine Coast Coastal and Marine Management Plan (CMMP), which will guide future strategies for dunes, woodlands and wetlands from Ocean Grove to Point Lonsdale.

The plan was drafted alongside the Department of Environment, Land Water And Planning due to the area’s “state significance”. It sets principles for how authorities will work with neighbouring land managers Borough of Queenscliffe and Barwon Coast Committee of Management, as well as the Wadawurrung Traditional Owners.

Development of the CMMP has occurred alongside forming of a Southeast Bellarine Biolink Masterplan, which will guide future actions to maintain the area.

The CMMP outlines five key objectives for the region:

  • Acknowledge Traditional Owners’ rights, aspirations and knowledge
  • Protect and enhance the marine and coastal environment
  • Respect natural processes and strengthen resilience to climate change
  • Use and develop sustainably, and
  • Promote stewardship and collaborative management.

Bellarine Ward councillor Trent Sullivan encouraged residents to have their say on the plan to guide the city’s planning for the important area.

“It is important that we continue to do what we can to meet the needs of this unique, remote, and environmentally and culturally significant coastal environment,” Cr Sullivan said.

“We must consider the requirements of tourists and our growing population, whose enjoyment of this coastline need to be balanced against the obligation to protect the area for the benefit of future generations.”

Geelong mayor Peter Murrihy said the CMMP outlined a 10-year vision, priority actions and outcomes for the city.

The city is hosting an all-day symposium today (Thursday July 21) online due to COVID. The event will provide more information on the plan and opportunity for input. It will also cover findings of the Biolink masterplan, ahead of its release later this year.

The CMMP is open for comment until August 7 online.