
Cylinders staircase reopens

June 17, 2024 BY

The staircase and carpark at 31W on 13th Beach Road has reopened. Photos: BARWON COAST

SURFERS and beach users have welcomed the reopening of the Cylinders staircase.

The staircase and carpark at 31W on 13th Beach Road were temporarily closed due to significant sand erosion.

The staircase was closed in April after king tides eroded the toe of the dunes, causing a 1.5-metre drop at the bottom of the stairs.

Initially, Barwon Coast planned to wait for the sand to return naturally.

However, it decided to seize the moment and extend the staircase while nature had taken care of the sand removal.

Once the sand returns, it will just cover the bottom stairs.

The staircase was closed in April after king tides eroded the toe of the dunes, causing a 1.5-metre drop at the bottom of the stairs.

A Barwon Coast spokesperson said sand movement was a natural process – the product of the coast constantly adjusting to waves and tides at any given moment in time.

“In this case, the sand was taking a long time to return,” the spokesperson said.

“Barwon Coast have extended the current stairs and it is now reopened for all to enjoy.

“We’re planting Hairy Spinifex, a native grass, across the dunes to help stabilise the sand during high tides and reduce large slumps.”

Local surfer David Kirby said it was good to have access to the beach again.

“It was a bit of a long walk to get there when it was shut. You’d have to go to the next carpark and walk back,” he said.

“That’s fine at the start of a session but not so great at the end.

“It’s sick to see it open again.”