David defies doctors to breathe life into each day

April 4, 2018 BY

David Wynne with his rescue dog Bella.

OCEAN Grove’s David Wynne says his dad often says jokingly, “if I knew you were going to live this long, I wouldn’t have sold your bike”.

David has Cystic Fibrosis and when he was born, doctors told his parents that he wasn’t going to live longer than a year.

“All the way through my life I’ve been told, ‘you’ve only got five years left’, ‘you’ve only got another five years left’, and here I am at 49,” David said.

“I don’t feel any different, unless I try and race someone and then get out of breath after a few minutes.”

Cystic Fibrosis is a progressive, genetic disease that causes persistent lung infections and limits the ability to breathe over time.

The average life expectancy for people living with CF today is 37.5 years.

Originally from the UK, David met his wife Sarah, who is a nurse, during a hospital stay about 18 years ago.

“I met Sarah and then thought how could I get married if I’m not going to be here?” he said. “And then we got married and Sarah said she wanted kids, I thought how am I going to have kids if I’m not here?

“When Edward was born I was over the moon that I had a healthy son, but I was also scared because I thought I wouldn’t see him grow up.”

David, Sarah, and Edward, 13, moved back to Australia five years ago for a better way of life.

“At the moment I’m quite well, I’ve only been really ill twice,” he said.

“But I am only a cough away from going downhill – I think this is the one that’s going to finish me.”

David said his lung function was currently at 34 per cent, so he could be listed on a waiting list to receive a lung transplant.

“When I was younger I thought I’m not going to do that, but now I have Edward and if it comes along, I’ll go for it… it’s on its way.”

David said he wanted to give hope to parents of children with Cystic Fibrosis, as he was living proof they too could live a longer life.

The Cure Cystic Fibrosis Gala Dinner 2018 will be held in May to help make CF stand for “Cure Found”.

The dinner will be at The Pier Geelong on Saturday May 19, with all proceeds going to the Cure4CF Foundation.

The night will include fine food, fabulous entertainment, live and silent auctions, VIP guests, and fun.

Denis Walter will MC the night, which will feature guest speaker Derryn Hinch.

To buy tickets, visit trybooking.com/book/event?eid=346066, phone 0414 713 916 or email [email protected].

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