Destination disaster

April 30, 2020 BY

Local trader Donny Grigau believes the Borough of Queenscliffe council have wasted ratepayers’ money after Destination Queenscliff was terminated. Photo: JESSICA NICOL

DONNIE Grigau, owner of Queenscliff’s Shelter Shed, said he has “an axe to grind” with the Borough of Queenscliffe council, after they announced the controversial Destination Queenscliff project is on hold – indefinitely.
“I feel like corona is a front, that’s the consensus of the ratepayers down here. Yet again another project that council never delivered after they’ve spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on consultations,” Mr Grigau said.
“The state government funding was pulled just before the last election (in September 2018) and now the federal government have pulled their funding also ($3.15 million in October 2016), it’s been going on a few years now. I believe council is trying to hide the amount of money they’ve wasted on the project.”
Borough of Queenscliffe chief executive officer Martin Gill confirmed last Wednesday that many aspects of the contentious project have been placed on hold indefinitely, following an agreement with the government.
“For a number of reasons, notably including the challenges posed by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Destination Queenscliff project will no longer be able to meet the milestones required by the existing funding agreement,” Mr Gill said.
“Council has therefore worked with the federal government to agree to a mutual termination of the funding agreement for the project at the end of this financial year. We’re looking forward to revisiting this project in the future after economic conditions have returned to normal.”
The agreement will place a hold on works covered by funding agreement, including refurbishments to the Ocean View car park and proposed works in and around the Bullring. Mr Gill said works to underground powerlines, upgrade car parking and improve drainage on the southern end of Hesse Street are covered by a separate funding agreement and will proceed unaffected.
Similarly, the council is continuing with works on a long overdue new toilet and improved amenities building for the caravan park because of a separate funding arrangement.
“This is an important project, and council is proud of the designs we’ve produced together with the community,” Mr Gill said.
“I want to thank everyone in our community who has helped shape this project so far. We’re looking forward to keeping you updated on the progress of the project going forward.”