Donate food to pay off your library fine

November 28, 2019 BY

The Food for Fines stand at the Torquay Library.

THE Geelong Regional Library Corporation (GRLC) is now allowing people to erase their library fines with food donations.

The Food for Fines appeal, running until December 13, will see the GRLC waive library fines in exchange for non-perishable food goods that will go to people experiencing hardship.

The appeal will see the GRLC partner with Geelong Food Relief Centre (GFRC), a not-for-profit organisation that delivers nutritious food to struggling families and individuals.

Foods they are happy to accept include tuna, pasta, sauces, noodles, dry biscuits, assorted condiments, flour, tea and coffee. Any donated products should have an expiration date of May 2020 at the earliest.

The Food for Fines appeal is supported by libraries across the globe. GRLC board chair Cr Ron Nelson said it was an initiative with wide benefits.

“We know that some library members stop visiting their local branch because they have accumulated fines. This is the perfect chance for these people to return to the library and to start enjoying the collection again.

“At the same time, everyone who makes a donation to the appeal will be supporting the great work that Geelong Food Relief Centre does to assist local people who are experiencing food insecurity.”

In 2018, the appeal saw almost two tonnes of food donated through the GRLC.

GFRC chief executive officer Collin Peebles said this was the time of year where they were in particular demand of food donations.

“With additional demand for emergency food relief, added strain is placed on our product and range availability.

“Thanks to the Food for Fines initiative, GFRC can bolster depleted stock levels at a critical time of year with the festive season fast approaching.”

During the appeal, GRLC library members can make a food donation at any branch or mobile library in the network.