
Draft strategy open for comment

October 31, 2017 BY

THE Borough of Queenscliffe has released its draft Economic Development Strategy for community review and feedback.

An online feedback form has been prepared to gather comments and suggestions from the community about the draft Strategy’s guiding principles.

These principles have been designed to foster development of a more vibrant, sustainable and year-round economy in the Borough of Queenscliffe.

Council appreciates the continuing willingness of local businesses and the broader community to contribute to and participate in the creation of an Economic Development Strategy that is tailored to the unique needs and goals of the Borough of Queenscliffe.

The draft Economic Development Strategy can be downloaded from Council’s website.

Visit queenscliffe.vic.gov.au.

To complete the online feedback form, visit the “Current Projects” page and click on “Economic Development Strategy”.

Feedback can also be provided via a hard copy form available from the council’s offices.

Feedback on the strategy is invited until 4pm on Friday October 20.