
Duck race ready to make community splash

April 15, 2022 BY

Ocean Grove Rotary president Alan Keyse and event organiser Heather Willson displaying the ducks that will be dropped from Barwon Heads Bridge on Easter Saturday. Photos: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

MORE than 1,000 rubber ducks are expected to be dropped from the walkway of the Barwon Heads Bridge this Easter Saturday continuing a much-loved local tradition raising funds for the town’s community groups.

The Great Barwon Heads Duck Race, run by the Rotary Club of Ocean Grove, is one of the few events totally dedicated to the town of Barwon Heads according to the race’s organiser Heather Willson.

“All the prizes associated with the race come from Barwon Heads and 90 per cent of the sales are from people living in Barwon Heads in addition to people visiting Barwon Heads,” Ms Willson said.

The race has been held on Easter Weekend since 2000 with the aim of raising funds for local charities and community groups.

Each person that purchases a duck at $10 each has a number assigned to the duck.

The maximum amount of 1,200 ducks are then dropped from the Barwon Heads Bridge into the Barwon River on an incoming tide to begin the race.

The first 10 rubber ducks to make their way to Ozone Jetty further inland of the bridge will be crowned winners and the ducks’ respective owners will be awarded one of the prizes donated.

An additional prize will be awarded at random to a lucky duck amongst the entire cohort.

Money raised from the fundraising is earmarked as so; 25 per cent of funds will go to the Barwon Heads scouts, 25 per cent to Barwon Heads Primary School, 10 per cent will go toward the Barwon Heads Association for an environmental study and 40 per cent goes to the Ocean Grove Rotary Club which is reinjected back into the community.

“Each year the event creates such a vibe,” Ms Willson said.

“We will be selling the remainder of the ducks under the rotunda here in Barwon Heads on the day.
“When the bridge and shore start filling up with people it’s awesome.

“This year we will have the Scouts helping as well, it should be tremendous fun.”

If you wish to donate or purchase your duck, contact Heather on 0411 120 897.