EPA watching out for pollution over the holidays

January 4, 2018 BY

WITH many industries shutting down for the holiday season, Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) has warned all businesses to secure possible pollution threats while they’re away.

EPA south west manager Carolyn Francis said the authority would be working through the Christmas holiday period and would remain alert for reports of pollution in the south west region, which extends from Geelong to the South Australian border.

“Many businesses, however, close down and in preparation they may well be cleaning vehicles, washing equipment, cleaning out warehouses or similar facilities ready for the break.

“When doing so, they must remember to manage the run-off water so that pollutants are not running off into stormwater drains.

“Chemicals should be stored in secure containers and in bunded areas that will be resistant to the likely extremes in temperatures and weather events.

“The community in the EPA South West region are highly vigilant over pollution, and in 2016-17 reported 1,337 pollution events to the EPA pollution hotline and 534 in the past six months.”

The highest category was odour, with 455 reports, followed by noise with 193, smoke with 182, water with 181 and dust with 175.

The EPA relies on the community to report incidents of pollution, environmental hazard or other activities potentially harmful to the environment.

For more information or to report pollution, head to epa.vic.gov.au/get-involved/report-pollution.