
Community events about Ocean Grove’s dog-free beach cancelled

September 19, 2021 BY

A map showing the proposed dog-free area, which will be trialled for most of 2022.

BARWON COAST is continuing to seek feedback on the trial of a dog-free beach in Ocean Grove, but COVID-19 restrictions have forced the cancellation of face-to-face sessions.

Two drop-in sessions were scheduled to be held last week, on Wednesday and Saturday respectively, but all community engagement on the trial will now be carried out online.

The trial area is about 805 metres in length and stretches from beach access stairs at 13W (Hodgson Street) to the stairs at 15W (the western end of the promenade at Ocean Grove Main Beach).

The initiative is a partnership project between Barwon Coast and the City of Greater Geelong.

Barwon Coast chief executive officer Gary McPike said the two-year trial was in response to community feedback provided in 2019-2020.

This feedback highlighted the need for an area of beach to be dog-free all year round.

“We are keen to ensure access for all types of beach users is available,” Mr McPike said.

“This trial enables us to gather information on community experiences of a dog-free area of beach.

“It is important that all beach users get the chance to have their say and have their voices heard.

“This trial is about ensuring we get the balance right for Ocean Grove Main Beach.”

The dog-free trial on Ocean Grove Main Beach started on December 1, 2020, with dogs excluded until April 30 this year.

Next year, it is proposed dogs be excluded from the defined area for a full 12 months, beginning on December 1 this year and running until November 30, 2022.

Community members are invited to share their feedback on the first year of the trial by September 26.

For more information and to complete the survey, or for more information about dog controls for the entire Barwon Coast coastal reserve and how they were developed, head to the Barwon Coast website.

Anyone who would like assistance completing the survey is invited to phone the City of Greater Geelong on 5272 5272 for the opportunity to have their feedback recorded.