
Feedback invited on Colac Otway’s rating strategy

March 13, 2019 BY

THE Colac Otway Shire council has approved its 2019-2021 Draft Rating Strategy to go on public exhibition.

The strategy includes a rural-farm differential of 75 per cent of the base rate, and is asking ratepayers to have their say on the proposal.

Shire mayor Jason Schram said he encouraged people who paid rates in one or more category to read the rating strategy and make a submission.

Cr Schram said the council had already undertaken an extensive consultation process to develop the rating plan for the next two financial years and it would go out for public consultation for six weeks.

“Council has used an online community survey, talked to community groups, and created a discussion paper on rating which was placed on public exhibition and emailed more than 760 groups in the shire asking for their views on council rates.

“Councillors have also been involved in many discussions about Colac Otway’s rating structure over the past two years and after taking into consideration the community feedback, Council will maintain the rating strategy used for 2017-18.”

Ratepayers in the Residential–Colac/Elliminyt category and Holiday Rental category will pay the base rate of 0.004271 cents in the dollar; while the Residential–Balance of Shire rate of 0.003631 cents in the dollar or 85 per cent of the base rate.

Properties in the Rural-Farm category will pay 0.003204 cents in the dollar or 75 per cent of the base rate.

Commercial/Industrial category properties in Colac, Elliminyt and Colac West will pay 0.007048 cents in the dollar and Commercial/Industrial category properties in the remainder of the Shire will pay 0.005980 cents in the dollar.

The 2019-2021 Draft Rating Strategy can be viewed online at colacotway.vic.gov.au or at the council’s Customer Service Centres, and submissions can be made until 5pm on March 18.

“People will be able to speak to their submissions on Wednesday April 3 and then Council will consider submissions before considering adoption of the strategy on Wednesday April 24,” Cr Schram said.