Flower show to bloom again, decades later

August 3, 2023 BY

An old flyer of the St George's Flower Show held in 1940. Photo: SUPPLIED

A ONCE-POPULAR flower show not been held in the Borough of Queenscliffe in more than five decades is scheduled to make a grand return later this year.

The St George’s Flower Show was a regular feature of Queenscliff’s yearly calendar before it was discontinued in the early 1970s, but a dedicated resident is leading the charge to bring it back on October 14.

Committee member of church conservation group Save St George’s Di Rule said she was excited for the return of the flower show.

St George’s Anglican Church, located on the corner of Hobson Street and Mercer Street, will provide the backdrop of the returning flower show. Photo: TREVOR BUNNING

“The show is going to be a great opportunity to bring back one of the great community events this part of the Bellarine had for a very long time.

“We have posters on hand of the show held as far back as 1940 and it created an opportunity for residents and visitors to show off their best flower displays and vegetables.

“It really brought Queenscliff to life back then, and we hope it will do the same later this year.”

The event will be held at the Old School Hall on the corner of Hobson Street and Learmonth Street, down the road from St George’s Anglican Church.

The show will involve several class categories for best flowers, ranging from arrangements, to cut flowers, to vegetables, and several children’s awards for those under 15 years of age.

Ms Rule has also made contact with Queenscliff Market representative Heidi Spencer to secure several artisan stall holder to join the event.

“Our entries are for all ages, we’ve already spoken to a coupled aged care homes and they are more than happy for their residents to get involved too, most of them have community gardens,” she said.

“A big focus for the show’s return will be the inclusion of native plants, which were not included on the old program’s entry forms.”

Ms Rule said a full schedule and a full list of categories for flower and vegetable entries will be released in the next month.

St George’s Church is located at the corner of Hobson Street and Mercer Street.