Flying Brick Scarecrow contest ready to scare

February 7, 2023 BY

The first scarecrow for 2023 has been installed by creators Katie and Hannah. Photos: FLYINGBRICKCIDERCO/FACEBOOK

ENTRIES are now open for Flying Brick Cider Co’s fourth annual Great Australian Scarecrow Competition, with more than $4000 worth of prizes on for offer.

Since being launched, the annual scarecrow building competition has attracted an array of weird, wacky and fabulous creations and helped to keep the birds off the crispy, crunchy apples and succulent pears that go into making Flying Brick’s delicious 100 per cent natural ciders.

Flying Brick Cider Co hope to attract many weird and wacky scarecrows for 2023.


Co-owner and director Lyndsay Sharp began the competition to offer a fun and inclusive activity for people of all ages, while the timely competition provides a scary solution to protecting the fruit used for cider harvesting.

The competition is going into its fourth year.


“We are thrilled the fourth Annual Great Australian Scarecrow Competition is back and firing on all cylinders,” Sharp Group Executive Assistant – Marketing, Sales and Hospitality Emily Lyons said.

“We are hoping for lots of entries, it would be lovely to see the entire fence loaded up with colourful scarecrows.

“There’s a pretty good incentive to enter as well – entry is free, open to all ages – and there’s more than $4,000 in prizes up for grabs.

“We encourage everyone to grab their friends, school buddies, parents and work colleges and get their creative juices flowing.”


The contest takes place during the cider fruit harvesting season to scare off the birds.


Winners will be announced on Australian Cider Day, Saturday March 11, 2023.

Entry forms are available at Flying Brick Cider Co and on their website. For more information head to