Fox and wild dog bounty continue

April 11, 2019 BY

Biosecurity staff will be available during May for the next fox bounty collections.

THE Victorian Government’s fox and wild dog bounty is continuing until October with Biosecurity staff being available on select days for fox bounty collections at Geelong, Colac and Ballarat.

Eligible participants can submit entire fox scalps for a $10 reward during scheduled collection times.

Next Collection Centre Schedule (fox only):

Ballarat collections (fox only)
Address: 25 Vickers St, Sebastopol
Collection type: Fox only
Time: 1pm – 3pm
Dates: Monday, May 6 2019

Geelong collections (fox only)
Address: 16 Cadman Terrace, North Geelong
Time: 9.30 – 11.30 am
Tuesday, May 7 2019

Colac collections (fox only)
Address: 19 – 21 Rossmoyne Rd, Colac
Time: 1.30 – 3.30pm
Tuesday, May 7 2019

For full details on bounty collection times and locations, terms and conditions, and frequently asked questions, visit or call the Customer Service Centre on 136 186.