Free business advice rolls into town

April 8, 2021 BY

The Small Business Bus will be in Drysdale on April 20.

A BUSLOAD of business expertise and free advice will roll into town when the Victorian Government’s Small Business Bus visits Drysdale later this month.

Bellarine businesspeople and those with potential startups are invited to visit the bus and speak to an expert on Tuesday, April 20, between 10am and 4pm at the SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre.

Operated by Small Business Victoria, the Small Business Bus is described as a ‘travelling office on wheels’ which aims to give big advice to small businesses.

Services provided by the bus free-of-charge include advice, checklists, templates, grants, networking, and training programs designed to help businesses start, run and grow.

A representative from the COGG Economic Development Team will also be on hand to assist with local business information and resources.

No bookings are required. The SpringDale Neighbourhood Centre is located at 17-21 High Street, Drysdale.