Funding available for regional communities in need

Rabobank regional manager for Australia and New Zealand, Mark Wiessing said the Rabo Community Fund demonstrated Rabobank’s commitment as a major banker to Australia’s food and agricultural sector.
THE bush needs all the help it can get as the pressure on rural communities’ mount seeing farmers profits dwindle due to one of the driest periods on records.
Rural communities are resilient but some help along the way is greatly appreciated, so its timely that applications to apply for funding from the Rabo Community Fund in 2025 have opened to rural and regional community organisations and initiatives making a meaningful contribution to ‘the bush’.
Launched by agribusiness banking specialist Rabobank in 2021, the fund has to date invested more than $3 million into initiatives designed to support the vitality and sustainability of rural and regional communities across Australia.
Funded by an annual contribution from Rabobank Australia and New Zealand and guided by the Rabo Client Council, the fund is focused on helping address key agribusiness industry and community challenges.
These relate to the six key themes of: long-term industry capacity and agricultural education; environmental sustainability; rural/urban connection; natural disaster resilience; rural wellbeing; and adaptation/disruption.
To be considered, eligible applicants must have an initiative that aligns with addressing one of the six key themes.
The organisations applying must be Australian based with an Australian Business Number (ABN), and the minimum investment amount per initiative is $5,000.

Rabobank regional manager for Australia and New Zealand, Mark Wiessing said that the Rabo Community Fund demonstrated Rabobank’s commitment as a major banker to Australia’s food and agricultural sector.
“As one of the world’s largest cooperative banks, supporting rural communities is ingrained in our global mission,” Mr Wiessing said.
“Guided by our Rabo Client Council members, the fund invests in a range of initiatives relating to these key themes.
“And over the past three years, these initiatives have included diverse topics from improving financial literacy, educating careers’ teachers on the diverse and exciting career pathways in agriculture available to students and facilitating events that connect people and promote well-being.”
Since launching, the fund has successfully partnered with organisations such as George the Farmer, Boys to the Bush and Heart of Australia.
“The partnership with South Australian-based ‘edu-tainment’ brand ‘George the Farmer’ is one of the Rabo Community Fund’s first collaborations,” Mr Wiessing said.
“And we are now going into the fourth year of supporting their mission to help educate children about where their food and fibre comes from, in both a fun and educational way.”
Mr Wiessing invited rural and regional community organisations and initiatives that fit the application criteria to consider applying for funding from the Rabo Community Fund.
Applications close on May 1. For more information and application forms, head to