Council to take its meetings far and wide in 2021

December 24, 2020 BY

The City of Greater Geelong has held several of its council meetings away from City Hall - including its first visit to Leopold in 2018, seen here.

THE City of Greater Geelong council has agreed on its 2021 meeting schedule, which features the return of public attendance in the new year for the first time since March.

The schedule of 12 meetings includes eight meetings in the Council chamber at City Hall and four meetings at locations across Greater Geelong.

Meetings will be held on Tuesdays and begin at 6pm next year, an hour earlier than in 2020 with the intent of increasing community participation.

In line with Victorian Government restrictions, the City of Greater Geelong plans to welcome community members in a COVID-safe manner from the first Council meeting of 2021, proposed for February 2.

The four regional meetings will be spread across the four wards – Bellarine, Brownbill, Kardinia and Windermere – and aim to give community members an opportunity to view and participate in the council’s decision making at locations closer to home.

More opportunities to engage with councillors and City of Greater Geelong staff will be rolled out next year, with the planned introduction of ward-based ‘Listening Posts’ where the community will have a chance to raise and discuss local issues.

The ‘Listening Post’ post sessions are set to offer a less formal way of driving meaningful discussion between Council and the community about topics of interest or concern.

Meetings will continue to be livestreamed throughout 2021, with recordings also available at

Geelong mayor Stephanie Asher said the proposed 2021 schedule would continue the council’s commitment to giving the community full access and input into its decision-making.

“A schedule of 12 monthly meetings will mean we have a full and engaging agenda for each meeting, and we are looking forward to engaging closely with our local communities via meetings across the region and the proposed new ‘Listening Post’ initiative.

“We have missed having members of the community in the gallery, so it will be a joy to re-open our meetings to the public, subject to the COVID-19 directions in place early in the new year.

“Live streaming will of course continue, giving anyone with an internet connection the opportunity to watch every meeting from the comfort of home and observe our decision-making process.”

The 2021 Council meeting schedule is:

  • February 2 – City Hall
  • February 23 – City Hall
  • March 23 – City Hall
  • April 27 – Off-site
  • May 25 – Off-site
  • June 22 – City Hall
  • July 27 – City Hall
  • August 24 – City Hall
  • September 28 – City Hall
  • October 26 – Off-site
  • November 23 – Off-site
  • December 14 – City Hall