Geelong ready to get its hands dirty

February 20, 2022 BY

Members of the Wesley Uniting Church's clean-up crew Heather Cooner, Paul Cooney, Susan Strong and Cr Jim Mason at Balyang Sanctuary. Photos: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT

HUNDREDS of volunteers will target creeks, beaches, parks and other areas littered with rubbish on March 6 when Clean Up Australia Day takes centre stage across the country.

The nationwide initiative has just open registrations for local participants, allowing volunteers, groups and anyone getting involved to utilise the resources offered by Clean Up Australia such as clean-up kits and rubbish skips delivered by the City of Greater Geelong.

Councillor Jim Mason, chair of the Environment portfolio, said the council was delighted to support the amazing local volunteers taking part once again in Clean Up Australia this year.

“Being part of a local clean-up is an easy way to protect the beautiful biodiversity we have here in Greater Geelong and have fun at the same time,” Cr Mason said.

“It’s not too late to get involved – get some friends, family members or even your colleagues together and sign up before 20 February.”

If anyone decides to participate on the day as an individual, a quick visit to the Clean Up Australia website to locate a Clean Up site in your area will provide plenty of options on the day.

Then simply turn up on the day with gloves, sturdy shoes, sunglasses, and sun protection and sign-on as a volunteer.

One of the local groups getting their hands dirty is the one from the Wesley Uniting Church based in Geelong’s CBD, who took part on the day last year.

“Participating in an activity with friends and others who share our own values, being out in the open air and feeling that we are making a difference, are some of the reasons why we participate in Clean Up Australia Day,” member of the church’s clean-up group Susan Strong said.

“It matters to us that Geelong is a clean and safe place to be, so, we registered and found that we enjoyed doing it!

“Yes, picking up rubbish turned out to be fun and we were proud that we had made a difference in one small corner of our city. We plan to take part in many years to come.”

Registrations for the Geelong region need to be completed by Sunday, February 20, 2022, so get in today to make a difference.

If you have any queries, you can contact the Clean Up Australia Day team on 1800 282 329 or get in touch with the city’s waste education officer on 03 5272 5274.